Friday 27 May 2011

Evaluation and Final Six

I took the decision half way through the project to rewrite my original brief as I released that 10 signatures would sacrifice the overall quality. Instead I have given each artist’s name the time it needs.
The result is six signatures I am proud of, with each one not only visually pleasing in it’s end result but also pushing me as a designer. With Martin Creed and Simon Starling I had to learn a new programme in Adobe Flash, and with Rachel Whiteread I learnt to make moulds for the concrete letters. The other three I wanted to revisit techniques gained earlier in the year.
Unfortunately there were a few things I was let down on, or I didn’t have time to take further. With Richard Wright I was let down with the availability of the printing room. I tried on numerous occasions to get in, but the time I was told which I could use the room got put back and back until it was beyond the deadline. And with Rachel Whiteread I needed more time for the material to dry. There were also the other 4 signatures I decided to not start.
I have really enjoyed this project. I feel I came up with a strong concept very early on that both challenged my time keeping and technical skills. I also learnt lots of new processes that I am looking forward continuing in the second year. 
I plan to continue working on this idea beyond the deadline as a personal project. 

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