Friday 20 May 2011

Artist Four - Antony Gomley

Antony Gomley won the prize in 1994 with ‘Testing a World View, 1993’. It is a sculptural installation consisting of five identical iron figures bent at right angles at the waist. The figures are based on a cast of the artist’s body and are installed in varying positions relating to the architecture of the building.
My idea for the signature came from the image below. I saw what I thought was the beginnings of a A in the left of the image, and wondered if I could create the other letters of his name by filling the room with other sculptures by Gomley.


After quickly sketching out on paper, I started to build a quick template of the image on Photoshop using images of his work found on Google. Using different layers I was able to experiment with scale and composition to create a sense of perception. For the letters ‘N’ and ‘T’ I needed to moves the arms and change the length of the wings , again this was done using layers. I also had to build up the part of the room not shown in the original image.

Once happy with the composition I printed it out and used it to trace a basic layout. I then started to sketch the detail back in. starting with pencil then changing to pen. When happy I scanned it into Photoshop and started to clean it up and add colour. 

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