Tuesday 17 May 2011

Artist three - Richard Wright

Richard Wright won the prize in 2009. The untitled work featured a gold leaf floral design which he put onto a wall of the Tate. It was beautiful, detailed and reflective. For his signature I want to do something similar using the same medium. I plan to design a floral design and use the foiling print process. I then plan to rescan it back onto the computer capturing the strong reflections and hopefully a few impurities. 

Taken from Tate website

Wright creates subtle and exquisite wall paintings that respond directly to the architecture in which they are created. Often awkwardly placed in discreet locations, they combine graphic imagery and intricate patterning from sources as varied as medieval painting, graphics and typography.

Richard Wright has been nominated for the work he exhibited in the 55th Carnegie International, Pittsburgh and his exhibition at the Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh.


My first thought was to use a contemporary serif typeface, and after much searching came across Pistilli. I then wanted to add a floral pattern. As time was against me and I didn’t want to use 'commonly used' Photoshop brushes, I decided to make my own by my finding wallpaper samples online and turning them into vectors in Illustrator. Again after much searching I found the below image. Because of the way Illustrator vectorised it, it required a bit of work to turn the wavy uneven shapes into symmetrical vectors worthy of sitting above and below the perfect typeface

After a few hours experimenting with the arrangement and elements such as leading I printed it onto acetate sheets ready for screen-printing. 


In black and white before screen printing below.

My second idea came from reading articles about the winning work, with most critics saying it is hard not to be transfixed to the piece. I wanted to make his name have the same affect, almost disappearing in the pattern so you have to study the signature to make it out. Again I have used Helvetica bold. I was aware that it could be harder to read when in gold so didn’t want it to be too un-legible in black and white.  

http://templates.bloggertricks.com/flash.swf" height="120" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

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